18th August 2021
Reading the above article on Lifesitenews there can be absolutely no doubt that we are now moving very fast towards the lowest point of the Leftist dictatorship.
Soon you will not be able to call your own child "son" or "daughter".
I wouldn't be surprised if we will be given a list of approved genderless, gender neutral, unisex names which must be used for your child.
Anything gendered or Traditional will be illegal. So long Mary. Goodbye Joseph. Adios Michael.
Humanly speaking, we have lost the war. We are so far gone now that there is very little that we can do to bring about real and affective change.
The shrieking madness of the Leftist loons is getting louder and louder and they have full control of the asylum.
This may sound pessimistic. Actually, it's a call to every single serious, faith loving Catholic to pray deeper and better.
Pray more Rosaries. The time has come when 5 mysteries a day won't cut it.
Do more penance. A little fasting if you can. Skip seconds of your favourite food. A cold shower on Fridays. Wear a cilice (Carmelite monasteries often sell them cheaply). Make your own hair shirt (the children of Fatima wore a rough rope). In all of this first seek the advice, counsel and guidance of a good priest.
Do more spiritual reading.
The crazy train is getting ever faster. Pray so that God may be your strength when it all derails.
He will. He is always faithful. He never loses.
God bless
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