26 August 2021

It's what they do that matters.

 26th August 2021

You've heard the expression

Actions speak louder than words

In the Catholic Church that could not be truer, especially in the crazy times in which we now find ourselves.

So with that in mind take a look at this little beauty

Messe dans la Basilique St-Pierre de Rome, chapelle saint Pie X • La Porte Latine

What you are seeing is the Tridentine Mass or TLM celebrated by a priest of the SSPX (Society of St Pius X) in ST. PETER'S BASILICA.

Let's note a few things

1) There are no Altar Cards

2) The priest is using a Novus Ordo style semi Gothic Chasuble

3) He is not wearing a Maniple

4) The Missal is much smaller than usual.

What can we draw from these points?

The Altars in St. Peter's Basilica are not set up for the TLM, hence why there are no Altar cards.

Also, this is a group of French Pilgrims. They have gone to Rome with their Priest, Abbé Michel de Sivry who, understandably, hasn't brought an entire sacristy with him. 

Imagining that they were there for about a week, it would be too much to lug a trunk load of Chasubles around and about the city of Rome. So they used what was available in order to have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

There is no Maniple in most Novus Ordo vestment sets. The SSPX is not so rigid as to make a song and dance about it. He gets on with it.

The Missal is small because it is a Travel Missal. SSPX priests are used to travelling light to bring the Sacraments to the Faithful.

No rigidity here.

Yet what is most telling is that this Mass, offered by a priest of the SSPX in early August of 2014, is taking place in St. Peter's Basilica.

Why is a "Schismatic priest" offering the Mass in the very heart of the Catholic Church???

Remember that actions speak louder than words.

Using common sense here we can deduce what happened. The priest and Faithful turned up at the Basilica and asked the officials if they could say Mass.

The officials would have asked them who they are.

KNOWING FULL WELL that they were SSPX, the officials let them use the Altar dedicated to none other than St. Pius X, Patron of the SSPX.

Remember, actions speak louder than words.

The Roman Authorities know full well that the SSPX are not, nor ever were, Schismatic.

They know full well that the state of being "illicit" or "canonically irregular" is, in fact, completely unjust.

The SSPX are truly Catholic.

However, they will not openly admit this.

Why? Because is pulls down the entire Modernist edifice that they have built.

This leads us to where we are today. It answers why Francis is doing his utmost to murder the TLM.

The Plandemic exposed the utter futility and inherent weaknesses of the whole Novus Ordo set up. They closed their Churches over a virus that gives you roughly 99% chance of surviving it.

But is has been all but fatal for the Novus Ordo ideology.

The SSPX and other TLM Communities largely carried on as normal, with same adaptations.

Many people saw it. They made the logical move to where they could get the Sacraments. That and seeing the Theological mess pushed by Francis et al.

The Modernists "had to act". Traditional Catholicism, being truly Godly, is a huge threat to their nefarious and demonic dogmas.

That is why they are trying to destroy it. They know that it is uncompromisingly Catholic.

So next time someone tries to tell you that you are a Schismatic, show them this video and ask them

Why were Schismatics allowed to say Mass in the Vatican?

Of course someone may quip that things are different now as such Masses have been restricted in the Vatican.

The point still stands.

This was 2014. This was before Francis "gave them Faculties to hear Confessions" etc. If they were Schismatic back then what were Vatican Officials doing by allowing them to say Mass?

If in 2014 the Tridentine Mass was permitted in the Vatican, why is it suddenly verboten in 2021?

What is really going on?


Actions speak louder than words!!!

SSPX Mass in St. Peter's Basilica: video - District of the USA

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