27 August 2021

Tolle, Lege! Book recommendation

 27th August 2021

I would really, really like to recommend The Incredible Catholic Mass by Fr Martin Von Cochem.

The Incredible Catholic Mass: An Explanation of the Catholic Mass (tanbooks.com)

I bought and read this book a number of years ago after reading the great influence it had on Fr Kenneth Walker FSSP (RIP) and his family. You may remember Fr Walker as the priest who was murdered in Arizona.

A tribute to Fr. Kenneth Walker, FSSP (1985-2014) - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

It was thanks to this book that Fr Walker's family experienced a conversion and fell in love with the Traditional Mass. Furthermore, his priestly vocation has, in many senses, its roots in this very book.

Please, if you have not read this book, read it.

When I read it I cannot express how much it moved me. It brought me to tears of joy at the sheer beauty of the Traditional Latin Mass.

If you are looking for something to read that will make you appreciate the depth, meaning, spirituality and beauty of the "most beautiful thing this side of Heaven" then get a copy of this book.

Trust me. You will not be the same afterwards.

God bless

26 August 2021

It's what they do that matters.

 26th August 2021

You've heard the expression

Actions speak louder than words

In the Catholic Church that could not be truer, especially in the crazy times in which we now find ourselves.

So with that in mind take a look at this little beauty

Messe dans la Basilique St-Pierre de Rome, chapelle saint Pie X • La Porte Latine

What you are seeing is the Tridentine Mass or TLM celebrated by a priest of the SSPX (Society of St Pius X) in ST. PETER'S BASILICA.

Let's note a few things

1) There are no Altar Cards

2) The priest is using a Novus Ordo style semi Gothic Chasuble

3) He is not wearing a Maniple

4) The Missal is much smaller than usual.

What can we draw from these points?

The Altars in St. Peter's Basilica are not set up for the TLM, hence why there are no Altar cards.

Also, this is a group of French Pilgrims. They have gone to Rome with their Priest, Abbé Michel de Sivry who, understandably, hasn't brought an entire sacristy with him. 

Imagining that they were there for about a week, it would be too much to lug a trunk load of Chasubles around and about the city of Rome. So they used what was available in order to have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

There is no Maniple in most Novus Ordo vestment sets. The SSPX is not so rigid as to make a song and dance about it. He gets on with it.

The Missal is small because it is a Travel Missal. SSPX priests are used to travelling light to bring the Sacraments to the Faithful.

No rigidity here.

Yet what is most telling is that this Mass, offered by a priest of the SSPX in early August of 2014, is taking place in St. Peter's Basilica.

Why is a "Schismatic priest" offering the Mass in the very heart of the Catholic Church???

Remember that actions speak louder than words.

Using common sense here we can deduce what happened. The priest and Faithful turned up at the Basilica and asked the officials if they could say Mass.

The officials would have asked them who they are.

KNOWING FULL WELL that they were SSPX, the officials let them use the Altar dedicated to none other than St. Pius X, Patron of the SSPX.

Remember, actions speak louder than words.

The Roman Authorities know full well that the SSPX are not, nor ever were, Schismatic.

They know full well that the state of being "illicit" or "canonically irregular" is, in fact, completely unjust.

The SSPX are truly Catholic.

However, they will not openly admit this.

Why? Because is pulls down the entire Modernist edifice that they have built.

This leads us to where we are today. It answers why Francis is doing his utmost to murder the TLM.

The Plandemic exposed the utter futility and inherent weaknesses of the whole Novus Ordo set up. They closed their Churches over a virus that gives you roughly 99% chance of surviving it.

But is has been all but fatal for the Novus Ordo ideology.

The SSPX and other TLM Communities largely carried on as normal, with same adaptations.

Many people saw it. They made the logical move to where they could get the Sacraments. That and seeing the Theological mess pushed by Francis et al.

The Modernists "had to act". Traditional Catholicism, being truly Godly, is a huge threat to their nefarious and demonic dogmas.

That is why they are trying to destroy it. They know that it is uncompromisingly Catholic.

So next time someone tries to tell you that you are a Schismatic, show them this video and ask them

Why were Schismatics allowed to say Mass in the Vatican?

Of course someone may quip that things are different now as such Masses have been restricted in the Vatican.

The point still stands.

This was 2014. This was before Francis "gave them Faculties to hear Confessions" etc. If they were Schismatic back then what were Vatican Officials doing by allowing them to say Mass?

If in 2014 the Tridentine Mass was permitted in the Vatican, why is it suddenly verboten in 2021?

What is really going on?


Actions speak louder than words!!!

SSPX Mass in St. Peter's Basilica: video - District of the USA

23 August 2021

Learning from your mistakes, finding a new path and starting afresh.

 23rd August 2021

It's not easy failing. No one likes it.

But we do.

I do.

But it brings learning, growth (hopefully including the vegetables) and some humility (with God's Grace).

As you are aware this blog is also about Homesteading. Often that has taken a bit of a back seat on here but Homesteading is something I am passionate about. I also like to encourage others to take it up as much as possible in some form or another.

So here is my failure 

Believe it or not, those are Cabbages.

Last Autumn I dug in 40 bags of partially composted horse manure. My back was not happy. After a few weeks I planted the cabbages. With Autumn rains and the cooler winter temperatures here in Portugal most of them started to do well.

Then Spring came and with it, the searing Portuguese heat. From May to October it rarely, if ever, rains.

As you can see the soil is sand. Yes, we built our house on sand.

I know that you're thinking. Jesus said not to do that. But it was what we could afford as a family.

Anyway, the sun came. The rains went. The sand baked.

We collect rainwater in 1000 litre tanks. We have 4 tanks. All well and good. But when you pour water on sun baked sand it does two things.

1) Runs off
2) Evaporates.

We don't have a well. We literally rely on what falls from the sky.

Now God is good. A few times I have cried out

"Lord, please! Send rain. We need water Lord! The vegetables are dying Lord!"

And it has rained, contrary to what the weathermen predicted.

So first lesson reinforced is : God does answer our prayers.

However, we have lost a lot of our crops. God is trying to tell me something

"I will send you what you need but your have to do what you need to do. You must work with me."

I have stubbornly tried to improve, fix, correct, change this blasted sand pit for 5 years now. I have asked myself 100s of questions. How come I can't do it? How the heck did the Monks of Cîteaux do it?

I have had to admit that I have gone about this the wrong way. It's hard to admit that you've lost so much in all the work done over the years. It takes humility and I'm not very humble. I'm stubborn.

But God has managed to get through. In sheer frustration I have done research. And this the result.

Raised beds built by yours truly (and my Dad). No they aren't perfectly straight but ignore the lack of builder's skills for the moment.

They're made out of cheap cinder blocks. They're about 24 inches deep and filled with compost. We sealed the bottom of each with thick cardboard to stop weeds growing through.

Precisely because they are filled with compost and are compact they retain water much better. Each beds gets a good watering from a filled watering can. There's no waste and the soil stays moist on the hottest days.

Their height also means that my back will be grateful (although not yet as it's a back breaker making the blasted things!!!)

So voilà!

Things are looking really good already.

The hard part is to accept that I've missed most of this Summer's growing season, although here in Portugal it tends to stay very warm well into October.

So I have concentrated on winter veg.

Apart from the Salad Lettuce and Radishes I have planted Turnips and Spinach. Next will be Cauliflower. My eyes are firmly fixed on the Christmas dinner plate!

What is the moral of all of this? Maybe you'll draw your own conclusions. For me it is learning to admit that I got it wrong. Learning new skills. Growing in every sense. Trusting that God will provide when we are being foolish. He will even provide us the way out of our foolishness.

I think it is also a parable for the state of the Church. Moreover it is a parable of how to move out of the madness, the mess and the devastation.

We need humility. We need to realise that we have been doing it wrong. We need the courage to admit that. We need to look for where there is growth. Be humble and admit that the reason there is growth is because something is being done correctly.

The Hierarchy desperately needs this lesson. They need to courageously and humbly admit that, on the whole, the past 50 years have lead to a barren Church and measly pickings. The desertification of the Church has been catastrophic.

It needs the firm "compost" of Tradition, the water of Grace and the fruitfulness of the Holy Ghost.

We have been wandering in the barren wastelands trying to renew the Church on our own terms whilst ignoring, jettisoning or, even worse, reviling the treasures we had.

It is time to:
  • Open our eyes. 

  • Admit we screwed up.
  • Return to Tradition and flourish.

God bless

18 August 2021

Leftist dictatorship in full control

 18th August 2021

Booksellers' organization apologizes for promoting book on trans damage to children - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Reading the above article on Lifesitenews there can be absolutely no doubt that we are now moving very fast towards the lowest point of the Leftist dictatorship.

Soon you will not be able to call your own child "son" or "daughter".

I wouldn't be surprised if we will be given a list of approved genderless, gender neutral, unisex names which must be used for your child. 

Anything gendered or Traditional will be illegal. So long Mary. Goodbye Joseph. Adios Michael.

Humanly speaking, we have lost the war. We are so far gone now that there is very little that we can do to bring about real and affective change.

The shrieking madness of the Leftist loons is getting louder and louder and they have full control of the asylum.

This may sound pessimistic. Actually, it's a call to every single serious, faith loving Catholic to pray deeper and better.

Pray more Rosaries. The time has come when 5 mysteries a day won't cut it.

Do more penance. A little fasting if you can. Skip seconds of your favourite food. A cold shower on Fridays. Wear a cilice (Carmelite monasteries often sell them cheaply). Make your own hair shirt (the children of Fatima wore a rough rope). In all of this first seek the advice, counsel and guidance of a good priest.

Do more spiritual reading.

The crazy train is getting ever faster. Pray so that God may be your strength when it all derails.

He will. He is always faithful. He never loses.

God bless

16 August 2021

No. I haven't had the "vaccine"!

 16th August 2021

On Saturday I was at the table having lunch at my cousin's house. She had invited my parents, sister, niece, myself together with a number of friends.

During the lunch the conversation turned to the subject of the "vaccine".

"Oh boy! Here we go!" I thought to myself as people started explaining to each other when they had their respective doses.

One lady, who works as an Auxiliary Nurse in a nearby hospital, turned to me and asked if I had received the "vaccine."

Up to that point I had been sitting there quietly and listening.

I felt the blush of emotion rise to my cheeks. I was angry. Angry that she had dared to ask me such a personal, medical question over the BBQ chicken wings. Angry that there is this widespread expectation and angry that everyone is behaving like sheep!

"No. I have not!" I said, rather curtly.

"Why not?" she retorted.

Well that question made me even hotter under the collar. Unfortunately, I am quite a fiery character, especially when it comes to things I am passionate about, morality and people's almost infinite ability to be quite unintelligent. 

"Because it has been developed using aborted babies' cells" I said in a very sharp tone.

"You should get it!" said another lady at the table.

Well that was it. 

"If a woman wanted an abortion you'd say that it was her body her choice. Yet I don't want an experimental drug injected into my body and you won't say his body, his choice?!?" 

I then reeled off how the so called "vaccine" has not been subject to clinical trials because we are the clinical trial. That the "vaccine" was developed in such a short time frame that it is impossible for it to be both safe and effective. That many cases of people now in ICUs around the planet are double vaccinated. That COVID 19 has a survival rate of approx. 99%. That the real pandemic is of other diseases such as Cancer, Alzheimers, Parkinsons and Famine, all of which seem to have 'magically vanished' in the past 18 months.

It all came flowing out. All that pent up frustration and annoyance at the sheer denseness of my fellow human beings.

Suffice to say, I don't think they'll raise the subject with me again.

I am absolutely sick and tired of this...you fill in the gap with a word of your own selection.

Absolutely fed up to the back teeth of it all.

So it is loud and clear for all to hear.

I have to stand before Almighty God. Face to face with that terrible, awful, awesome and exactingly just Judge.

I WILL NOT BE TELLING Him that I "benefitted" from a murdered unborn baby (albeit indirectly) to avoid what, in most cases, is an annoying cough and a loss of taste.

I get it that people have died. May they rest in peace. God bless their mourning loved ones. But the reality is that for the vast majority who get this blasted virus the symptoms are barely noticeable, if at all.

It's a cough people. For most, that is the most they suffer. A cough.

For that we have to indulge in infanticide, steal civil liberties and break moral law?


08 August 2021

The consolation of persecution

 8th August 2021

11th Sunday after Pentecost

I came across this article by Peter Kwasniewski.

Gearing Up for the Long Campaign - OnePeterFive

Honestly, if you can read anything by this writer (including his books) then please do. His writings are absolutely brilliant.

But what struck me most about the article was the photo. There is something deeply beautiful in its pathos.

Devout, deeply committed Catholics shut out by their pastors, shepherds and their own brethren. Rejected and despised. Left out in the cold. Unwanted.

Just like Jesus was.

It also brings to mind the dear Archbishop Lefebvre.

Going further back it reminds us of the great St. Athanasius who said

"They have the buildings but we have the Faith".

They did it to Our Lord.

They did it to the Saints.

We are in very great and wonderful company. To be persecuted like the Saints is truly a marvellous consolation.

Remember, as beautiful as they are you can't take a Church building with you to your personal judgement. But YOU CAN take your Faith. The One True Catholic Faith, pure and unadulterated.

Take consolation in the fact that not only are you in great company but that History itself teaches you that you are on its right side.

A blessed Sunday to everyone!

06 August 2021

Reflection on the Mass (1)--- Introibo ad altare Dei

6th August 2021

Feast of the Transfiguration

The Traditional Latin Mass has been called, especially by the Saints, the Most Beautiful thing this side of Heaven.

Indeed, it is truly beautiful but its beauty needs to be frequently meditated and reflected upon in order to gain a deeper appreciation of this immense treasure.

Regardless of whether we are dealing with a Pontifical High Mass in a glorious Cathedral or a Low Mass in a humble little chapel, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass always begins with the sign of the Cross.

How often do we make the sign of the Cross without reflecting? Yet that quintessentially Catholic act sums up our Faith. We adore the One True God. His oneness is shown in that we pray in the Name and not names. One name. One Divine Being. Yet God is Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Three distinct Persons, one Divine Being.

The sign of the Cross tells us that our Communion with the One True God is through Jesus' Sacrifice on the Cross.

At Baptism we were marked and claimed by the sign of the Cross. This sign is in everything we do as Catholics and it is present in all of the Sacraments.

This is most especially true of the Sacrifice of the Mass.

The priest, in the person of Christ (Persona Christi), stands at the Foot of the Altar and invokes both the Cross and the Trinity.

From this moment a prayer rises up to his lips as well as ours:

Introibo ad altare Dei

Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy : deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man.

For thou art God my strength : why hast thou cast me off? and why do I go sorrowful whilst the enemy afflicteth me?

Send forth thy light and thy truth : they have conducted me, and brought me unto thy holy hill, and into thy tabernacles.

And I will go in to the altar of God : to God who giveth joy to my youth.

To thee, O God my God, I will give praise upon the harp : why art thou sad, O my soul? and why dost thou disquiet me? Hope in God, for I will still give praise to him : the salvation of my countenance, and my God.

Here, priest and people stand at the edge of God's Holy Mountain, the Holy Hill mentioned in the Psalm.

This is Mount Sinai. This is Mount Moriah. This is Mount Tabor. This is the Holy Hill of Calvary.

Throughout Scripture we see that God has descended from Heaven to the mountain tops to meet man. At the Incarnation God Himself descended into the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. His goal was the summit of Calvary, there to reign as our King from the Cross.

We pause at the foot of the Holy Hill, the Altar, with bated breath. We brace ourselves to enter, in and through the priest, unto the Holy of Holies. This is the Holy Mystery of the Mass, a foretaste of Heaven.

God is our Salvation and our Joy. The Sacrifice of the Mass is the greatest act of adoration and thanksgiving we can offer Him.

But we are all sinners. We are unworthy and impure. The littleness of our sinful nature can never match the awesome and unutterable majesty of the all Holy God.

We tremble. We dare not approach without first acknowledging our true nature. We are sinners.

Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti

The priest, himself a sinner, publicly confesses before Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin, all the angels and Saints as well as before us that he has sinned and fallen short.

Since it is he, in Persona Christi, who will stand in the breach before God and His people, the priest must acknowledge his own need for repentance, forgiveness, grace and mercy. We all may approach God but we must repent of our offences against Him.

We, too, publicly confess our sinfulness. No sin, no matter how secret it may be, is ever truly private. God sees. The whole of Heaven sees. Our sins not only offend the Most Blessed Trinity but they wound humanity. They help to widen the gap between God and man. Not only that but on Judgement Day all ours sins will be laid bare. Nothing will be hidden. This is why the Mass forces us to acknowledge our sins as we will be forced to do on the Day of Days.

After seeking God's mercy the priest slowly ascends the steps to the Altar, whispering 

Take away from us our iniquities, we beseech Thee, O Lord; that being made pure in heart we may be worthy to enter into the Holy of Holies. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

We beseech Thee, O Lord, by the merits of Thy Saints whose relics lie here, and of all the Saints: that Thou would vouchsafe to pardon me all my sins. Amen.

It is with a humble and trembling spirit that the priest should utter this prayer as he approaches the Holy and Terrible Mystery. 

The priest now kisses the centre of the Altar. Here lie the relics of the Saints. The priest is now in the Holy of Holies. This is where Heaven and earth touch. Heaven and earth are wedded. The priest is beyond the reach of the profane and the mundane. He stands before the Throne of the Trinity. In this sacred moment filled with the immensity and majesty of eternity the priest steps aside and prays the Introit. 

This stepping aside is no mere trifle. It is no mere accident of Liturgical history. There are no accidents in the Traditional Liturgy. Every gesture, every act has been gently sculpted over the centuries by none other than the Holy Ghost who hovers over the Church, the Bride. This gesture teaches us that we must step aside in order to allow God His rightful place. It also teaches us that we, each in our personal lives, must give way to the action of the Holy Ghost. 

Once again the priest moves to the centre of the Altar. Joining with the Nine Choirs of Angels he pleads for mercy for mankind 

Kyrie Eleison x 3 

Christe Eleison x 3 

Kyrie Eleison x 3 

The Kyrie has sadly been truncated in the Novus Ordo. This is a deep tragedy. Not only do the 3 + 3 + 3 represent the Nine Choirs of Angels but most importantly it brings to mind the Most Holy Trinity.


The Father is Kyrie. 

The Son is Christe 

The Holy Ghost is Kyrie. 

It is a cry to each Person of the Most Holy Trinity, begging for mercy. 

The symbolism of 3, the Thrice Holy God, is completely obliterated in the Novus Ordo Kyrie. 

This moment in the Traditional Mass is a perfect opportunity to reflect on how the Mass incarnates the Catholic Faith. 

Yes, it is prayer. But it is also dogma, teaching and Catechism. The Mass forms us. 

It is truly Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi. 

As we pray so we believe. As we believe so we pray. Each feeds into the other, forming our hearts, minds and souls in the Catholic Faith. 

This part of the Mass, called the Mass of the Catechumens, is not just something to get through. We are already being washed in the Blood of the Lamb. We repent. We petition. We tremble. We wait for God's Mercy. 

We are surrounded by the whole host of Heaven. Around us the Nine Choirs of Angels ascend to the Throne of God and descend to the Altar, carrying our prayers to the Most High.

The moment has now come to join our voices with theirs 


(To be continued...) 

01 August 2021

Turn back to me with all your heart! (Joel 2:12)

1st August 2021

I don't usually write a blog post on a Sunday but I came across an interesting video on YouTube and felt that I had to write something about it.

Today is a Sunday, the day set aside to adore God at Holy Mass. Today is also the Feast Day (not observed on a Sunday) of the Holy Maccabees who fought for the purity of the Temple and right worship of Almighty God.

Today also marks the beginning of August, the month dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The sacred conjunction of these three was too great an opportunity to pass by. I'll explain why soon. But first here is the video that I found. 

Catholic Interim Mass (1965-1967) versus populum - YouTube

As you can see, it is a video of what is called a Catholic "interim" Mass. Taken from between 1965 to 1967 it comes at a significant moment in history for the Church.

Vatican II has just ended (1965). The release of the Novus Ordo is a little over 2 years away (Advent 1969). This video gives an insight into what I would call a bridge event. A moment when one era crosses over to another.

From this very short video we gain a tremendously profound insight into what was happening to the Catholic Church, the Church we love so well.

What we see is the start of what can only be described as the rot. For sure, it hasn't reached the abyss of "clown" Masses. There are no guitars or drums. No "Lay Eucharistic Ministers". In fact, there is no obvious abuse at all. But let's take a closer look.

The first thing we notice is that it is basically the Traditional Latin Mass celebrated by a Bishop, but facing the people or versus populum. The Tabernacle, where Almighty God, Our Lord Jesus Christ, resides is behind him. The Bishop offering the Holy Mass has his back to God.

This is deeply significant. It shows a 'new orientation'. A new direction. A subtle turning away from God and turning to ourselves. We, man, have started to become the focus. But that is not the only aspect that has been put behind. The Crucifix, Liturgical East (Symbol of Christ's return as our Triumphant King), the powerful symbolism of preaching the Gospel to the North, the cold, dark, sinful and the Pagan. All of that is lost.

A spirit antithetical to the ethos of the Traditional Mass has made its appearance. Those moments when the Bishop talks to God and then to the people are lost because he is facing the same way regardless. 

Gone is the 'Moses Moment', when the priest offering the saving Sacrifice to the All Holy, faces the Divine One and then, turning to the people, brings salvation from the Altar of God. There is no longer any turning to the people because it is to the people that the priest has firmly set his face.

Man is now the focus.

It doesn't end there.

The High Altar, the height of the Mountain of God, Tabor and Calvary, lies abandoned and, instead, we find a table like "altar". There are no candles on this new altar. There seems to be only one altar cloth which gives the appearance of a table cloth. No altar cards are apparent.

What we have is both a stripping back and what I would call a creeping uglification.

Let us bear in mind that this is before the introduction of the Novus Ordo (1969 Advent). Many people, especially priests, claim that the Novus Ordo was intended to be celebrated Ad Orientem yet we clearly see here that the rot of Mass Versus Populum was already setting in. Without a doubt his is a new direction, quite literally! 

We can safely conclude that this was planned long before before the emergence of the Novus Ordo. Undoubtedly, they were getting the people accustomed to a dumbed down, man focussed, man centred Liturgy.

This is at the heart of the problems we see today. We had started to turn in on ourselves. We became a community that was a closed circle. Our sights were no longer set upon the heights of Heaven but on the dust of our frail, sinful existence. We exchanged heavenly glory for puerile navel gazing. 

Furthermore, isn't it interesting that since we started doing that in the 1960's we have seen a massive increase in self centredness: pride, materialism, lust & pornography, immorality of all sorts (e.g Sodomy, Abortion) pleasure seeking, narcissism etc and with it a sharp increase in depression rates and poor mental health? 

                "By their fruits you shall know them." Matthew 7:16

Sadly, we know how this developed. The TLM had to go. It just didn't fit in with the new vision. It was an obstacle.

Not only that, but Latin itself had to be all but expunged. There was no place for it in this Brave New Church.

Latin is often described as a "dead language". Yet that is one of its great virtues.  

With Latin we cannot be the focus. Our intellect, understanding and pride cannot be pampered. With Latin the focus is on the One who alone comprehends all things. Latin places us before Mystery and Mystery makes us small. Mystery has no place for pride. Being a "dead language" we have no power over Latin just as we have no power over Mystery.

This points to the heart of Modernism, an nefarious "synthesis of all heresies" (to quote St. Pius X). Modernism is Satanic in its pride. It seeks to destroy Mystery. For the Modernist there is absolutely no place for the Supernatural. If pride cannot comprehend it, it will seek to destroy it. 

To further destroy Mystery, a New Calendar had to be created. In this New Calendar there had to be less Octaves, less penitential days and less fast days. They wanted less awareness of our need for repentance, of Grace, of Salvation and, ultimately, of God Himself.

Thus this is where we find ourselves today

20150611_Sint-Franciscuskerk_Bolsward.jpg (3672×4896) (wikimedia.org)

So what is the significance of today's sacred conjunction?

Sunday teaches us that we must not just worship God but that we must offer Almighty God truly worthy adoration. We need to rediscover this.

The Maccabees teach us that we must fight for the rights of God. We must fight for a worthy Liturgy and a Holy Temple.

The month of the Immaculate Heart points to Our Lady's promise in Fatima

                 "In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph"

This is our hope. We fight under the banner of the Immaculata! 

But how do we go about this?

The heart of the issue is the heart itself. We need to convert. We need to turn away from ourselves. We need to listen to the words of the Lord

          "Turn back to me with all your heart" (Joel 2:12)

Our fight for the Faith, the Sacraments and the Traditional Mass must have this at its root and centre. Each one of us must, in our hearts, undo what we see that Bishop in the video doing. We must re-turn to the Lord. Face Him. Make Him the centre and heart of our lives, our Liturgy and our souls.

The Church and Our Lady's Promise are all counting on it.