20 March 2023

They've finally admitted it!

Matthew Hazell on Twitter: "I notice this morning Arthur Cardinal Roche is embarrassing himself again, this time on BBC Radio 4... "You know, the theology of the Church has changed..." – well, it hasn't, but do go on showing that the hermeneutic of rupture is now in full swing at the DDW, Your Eminence. 🤦 https://t.co/PcwaiJVOMh" / Twitter

Cardinal Arthur Roche has done something very few Modernist heretics have ever done.

He has openly and boldly admitted what he believes. Namely, that the Theology of the Church has changed.

That's it. No more defence of the Hermeneutic of Continuity. The last atom of defence definitively died on 19th March 2023, the Feast of St Joseph the Terror of demons and the Protector of the Church. With God there are no coincidences.

So there is absolutely no hiding it now. We see clearly from his lips and, therefore the lips of the one he represents (BerGOGlio), why they HATE the Traditional Mass and want it destroyed.

CATHOLIC Theology is what they hate.

The SAINTLY Archbishop Lefebvre stands completely, totally and absolutely vindicated.

Vigano stands vindicated.

The Church has been infected by parasites in vestments. Modernist, Homoheretical wolves in sheep's clothing.

Freemasons and Satanists. 

Godless and faithless.

Like a creeping cancer they have been eating away at the bones and the guts of the Church.

BUT for us, in a strange sort of way, this is wonderful news. How come? 

Firstly, we can take great heart. We are on the right track. Through this God is confirming what we believe.

Secondly, we have been given an opportunity to display great courage and say to these perverse heretics a loud, resound NO! We will NOT yield our Faith no matter what.

Thirdly, it can be an opportunity for those who are wavering in Novus Ordolandia to have their blinkers ripped off. They have finally, openly confessed it. Theirs is a DIFFERENT THEOLOGY. It is a changed Theology. 

Think about it like this. If the Theology of the Church has changed then the Church has changed. If that is the case then it is NO LONGER the Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ and adorned by Our Lady and so many countless Saints.

It is no longer the Church of the Martyrs.

It is no longer the Church of our forefathers.

It is a DIFFERENT Church.

It, therefore, cannot be the Catholic Church in its true, fullest sense.

God does not change. Truth does not change. The Theology of the Catholic Church, which is God's Church, cannot change.

So, Cardinal Roche...Here is my message to you.

To HELL with your changed Theology. I don't want. Send it back to Satan from whence it came.

I want the CATHOLIC Theology that my forefathers (especially my Irish ancestors) were persecuted for.

I want the CATHOLIC Theology that my favourite Saints lived and died for.

I DON'T want what you are offering and I resist you and your rubbish to your face.

I will have NO part in it and, by God's grace, will persist in it until my last breath.

Friends, listen to Cardinal Roche's words. He means what he says. So better had we.

Take heart. God is moving to unmask this Counterfeit Church. The enemies are full of arrogance and it is making them overly confident. They are over playing their hand.

Take heart and courage. The Traditional Mass, Sacraments and Faith are growing, especially among the young. The enemies fear it and hate it. We love it and foster it.

Keep it at the forefront of your minds. God is working!

Our Lady will Triumph as She promised in Fatima. 

Take courage. Pray!

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