06 April 2023

The rotten end of a pernicious ideology

I came across the story in the News of a young man called Josh.

This young man, who self identifies as straight/heterosexual, made news because he found out that the woman he has been dating is "Trans."

Obviously stunned and confused by this newly discovered information he took to that fount of all wisdom and knowledge, Reddit.

I find this whole thing truly fascinating for a number of reasons. First, because I predicted years ago that this sort of thing would happen .

Secondly, because I often reflect on the state of the world, the Church and people's lives to seek genuine answers to what we see happening today.

Trawling through his chat on Reddit has confirmed my reflections.

The whole "Trans" thing is, without a shadow of a doubt, the logical end game of the "Gay movement".

Indeed, it is the spirit of old Sodom distilled.

Let's look at this more deeply.

Sodomy, as we know from Sacred Scripture, Natural Law and consistent Catholic teaching, is a sin against nature which cries to Heaven for vengeance. People, members of the same sex, engage in sexual activity which lacks all complementarity and is always a dead deed.

Any Catholic with their faculty of reason still intact will recognised this.

But the "Trans" thing is much much worse. How so? Well, a man who self identifies as "gay" and lives as a Sodomite can, with the grace of God, convert and live a sexual life according to God's plan.

There are many heartening stories of such men and women, touched by grace, who are living beautiful lives, married with children.

Trangenderism (it is an ideology therefore an 'ism') is the most pernicious and perverse of them all, in my estimation.

Whilst Sodomy is against nature, Transgenderism DE-natures man. Men and women, created so by God, created in His image and likeness, are mutilated, destroyed and made unfruitful.

Of course, a "Trans" person can also convert and there are more and more cases of them. But, in this life, they have been de-natured. Their bodies are mutilated (often too young to understand the ramifications) and that beautiful Temple of God, the body, is desecrated for a lifetime.

Furthermore, transgenderism mimics the natural. It makes Sodomy (in its spirit) look like one man and one woman. But it is a lie. Just like the AntiChrist will appear like the true Christ. But it is a lie.

Going back to Josh's story, what can we learn? Well, let's take a look at some of his own words. Here a actual quotes from his messages on Reddit.

"Today, i found out a girl I'm really physically and mentally entranced by is actually MtF."

"Here's where I could use your advice, she came out today after I shared a kink list with her that showed I wasn't at all interested in MtF"

We can see what the problem is immediately.

1) He is entranced on a physical and mental level. In a trance. Hypnotised. Mesmerised.

2) The whole "kink" thing.

Answer? Lust.

People think Lust is just sexually desiring someone or something when they shouldn't. It is that. But it is also so much more.

Lust is accancer of the soul. It warps reason and intellect, leaving the person operating through mere exteriority. There is little to no interiority.

P*rnography is central to this process. It reduces those involved to the exterior. A woman is reduced to the outward appearance (breasts etc). People have been hollowed when they are called to be hallowed.

Lust is pernicious. The more one gives into it the more demands it makes. The more one gives into those demands the more it warps the mind. Around and around, spiralling down into decadence and depravity until the rock bottom they hit is the hard pavement of Hell.

Josh told this denatured man 'I still want you'

This young man's mind has been warped. He is not alone. There are, sadly, many men like Josh and an increasing number of women too.

Unbridled carnal desire strips a person of interiority and warps the intellect, reason and will. The whole notion of relationship has been divorced (yes, the pun was deliberate) from God's plan for man & woman.

Today, what matters most for many people is their "sexual appetite" as if they were choosing from a menu in their favourite restaurant. God's plan for marriage, based on natural, Godly complementarity, which brings forth fruits of new life and grace, is cast aside by one of the devil's masterstrokes, the cravings of Lust.

This is how low our society has sunken. That a self professed heterosexual/straight man will desire the exteriority of a denatured man parading as a woman.

Ultimately, the greatest victim is the Truth.

So why am I writing all of this?

That maybe, just maybe, someone out there by some miracle will read it and be saved. So many innocent children are being perverted from their tender years.

Statistics show that boys first view p*rn at the age of 10.

That is horrific. And that warping and perverting will take ever deeper roots in their minds and souls. It will ramp up as puberty sets in leading to serious spiritual, psychological, emotional and physical problems. 

All this leads to an ever worsening of this situation. Sexual desire becomes an insatiable sickness. Over the years I have met many people with this sickness. It is absolutely devasting. It leaves a shell where a soul should be glistening with grace,

Marriage is blasphemed by twisted ideologues. Families destroyed. Lies hailed as Truth. A wasteland.

God never makes mistakes. Male and Female He created mankind. His design was for the family. One man and one woman created as a physical sign, a Sacrament in which He shows forth His plan for Bride (the Church) and the Bridegroom (Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ).

We are being demonically assaulted from all sides. Sex, sexuality, gender, the nature of the Church, the Mass and the Priesthood. All of this is under siege by a demonic ideology seeking to destroy God's vision.

Of course, it will not succeed.

Pray during this Triduum that Jesus's Triumph on the Cross may Triumph in the hearts of so many people, esp. Josh.

Pray that His Most Precious Blood will wash over such souls, cleanse them and save them.

Pray for those poor souls that are "gender confused." Call the Blood of Jesus down upon them so that they make free from these demonic lies.

Lord Jesus, touch their hearts and souls with Your grace, love and mercy. Heal their wounds. Convert them. Help them with Your Almighty power to accept that beautiful vision that You have for their lives.

Mary, Immaculate Virgin Mother, take these people into your arms as you stand at the foot of Your Divine Son's Cross. Intercede for them that they may find salvation in Him before it is too late.


God bless.

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