Do you remember when Shia LaBoeuf was interviewed by Bishop Barron? Here it is to refresh your memory.
Shia LaBeouf Becomes Catholic - "Latin Mass Affects Me Deeply" - YouTube
In the interview Shia explains to a somewhat stunned Bishop Barron that the TLM affects him deeply because it doesn't feel like someone is trying to sell him a car. Clearly, the Novus Ordo does.
Shia LaBoeuf gets it. The Church is not meant to be a Business.
Sadly, false shepherds, wolves in sheep's clothing have stripped the Church of many of her greatest spiritual treasures whilst, at the same time, filling their coffers with material wealth.
To them the Church is merely a Business. For them it has nothing to do with the Faith.
If you don't believe me then just consider these two questions.
1) Why do many dioceses employ a Chief Operating Officer? That's Business language. The Bride of Christ, His Mystical Body, does not need Chief Operating Officers. But a Business does.
2) Why is it that many bishops have sold off countless churches, often those built on the backs of the poor, for a huge profit of many millions of Dollars/Pounds/Euros?
Because it's just "good business."
In this week when we call to mind that day when wicked shepherds exchanged Our Blessed Lord for 30 pieces of silver we do well to reflect on this, especially before handing over our hard earned cash.
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