03 April 2023

I am not sorry.

First of all, a blessed Holy week to you all!

I have been reflecting on the whole state of affairs regarding BLM, repatriations, CRT etc.

I must say from the outset that I am no expert and I don't claim any special knowledge on the subject matter. I can only speak from my own personal experiences and observations.

Growing up on a small British island I had very little contact with black people. Despite that, I was always taught that a person's skin colour matters not. Neither does their eye colour or the health of their bank account.

What makes a person is what is found within. My mother especially taught me these principles.

Having a Portuguese father I experienced bigotry and hatred from my fellow Brit. By some but not the majority. The hatred of a person because they are black or white or from another country is, without a doubt, ugly.

However, it seems to me (remembering my own sufferings from the hatred of others) that the prevalent ideology today has reached almost Commandment levels is: Thou shalt be a VICTIM.

Victimhood can be real. No one should ever dare to tell the poor, abused child that they are not a victim of something heinous. But we are not dealing with that type of victimhood. 

The type of victimhood found at ideological levels today is one which is a "state of being" and, ironically, is itself fuelled by hatred.

Again, I am no expert on the matter but this does seem to be what is happening in places like the United States. Whilst I have never stepped foot on American soil I can, nevertheless, observe that this most insidious ideology weighs heavy on that nation.

Leftist ideologues love a victim. They love to see people perpetually trapped by self pity and munching on anti depressants. These hate-filled, self piteous depressed people are the easiest to control and are a huge boon to Big Pharma. Hopeful people are out of the grasping clutches of the Left. 

But it goes further than that. By having these "victims" as their foot soldiers, the Left can push their vision ever deeper.

They want you to "take a knee" in a constant state of "penance". The word that must ever rise upon your lips is sorry. Indeed, public acts of self flagellation are required. If you are white you must be ashamed of it.

However, the ultimate goal is the white Christian with a particular emphasis on the white heterosexual male who deeply believes in Our Lord and His Holy Church. It is THAT man who is the bull's eye of their target. 

They want such men to show their remorse for their history and their patrimony.

How many times have I heard a Leftist raise the question of the Crusades or the Inquisition or the Colonisation of South America? How often have I been asked if I am ashamed of what the Church did to the Incas?

Indeed, this self hatred has infected many of the faithful. I remember an incident when I was studying Theology in Spain. I lived in the Student Halls of Residence with a black gentleman from Equatorial Guinea. We were discussing the Spanish Church's past when suddenly he became quite angry.

He accused the Spaniards of going to his country and dominating its people. Now, anyone who knows me on a personal level knows that I will never be canonised for my patience! I have absolutely no patience for ignorant, Anti Catholic rhetoric rooted in God hating ideology. Call a spade a spade.

I told the gentleman in question that, in fact, he owes a huge debt of gratitude for what Spain and the Catholic Church did in his country.

Whilst it may be bitter and unpalatable, truth always remains the truth.

Such countries, whilst having many inherently good things in them, were also immersed in the darkness of Paganism and human sacrifice. Don't believe me? Just watch Mel Gibson's Apocalypto.

These people were in the darkness of their ignorance when the Light of the Gospel was brought to them. Tribes were warring against each other. Slaughter abounded. Sexual immorality was rampant.

Furthermore, their culture, though with some good elements, was very rudimentary. The Church brought them Jesus Christ and all that He brought us through His Church. Art, Music, Architecture, Language, Culture and right worship.

It may be politically incorrect to say such things but it is not morally incorrect. This goes deeper, further and higher than any ideology.

Simply put, you cannot compare the Pagan frenzy of bashing bongo drums to the sublimity of Gregorian Chant reverberating around an incensed filled Cathedral.

Suffice to say, my African friend was somewhat stunned. Truth has that shocking effect.

We must not apologise to anyone who wishes to denigrate the glorious past of the Church. Of course, there were some instances of abuse. But that is sinful human nature. If a Democrat tries to get you to focus on that then ask them if they are willing to focus on their historical support for slavery (oh the irony!)

If you find one bruised apple in the basket are you going to toss out the whole bushel? Then why do it with Church history?

I am Catholic. I am not sorry. Neither should you be.

God bless

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