26 July 2021

True obedience

 26th July 2021

Before I begin my little musing on obedience I want to share some good news.

I went to Mass at the SSPX chapel in Fatima yesterday.

Sitting next to my friend, a fellow Brit, we both commented on just how full the chapel was. There were people standing at the back doors. All the pews were full and there were lots of news faces, many of them were young people and families.

I have heard reports that this is happening around the world.

So the Traditional Latin Mass is not going to disappear. The Modernists have failed in their machinations.

Anyway, obedience.

I have often heard Catholics who attack Trads say "You're disobedient. You reject Vatican II".

Apart from the fact that the Trad position (especially in the SSPX) is more nuanced than that, these accusers never specify what we have disobeyed in the Council.

I remember posting on Facebook once saying "What in Vatican II am I obliged, as a Catholic, to submit to De Fide? What is binding De Fide upon me? Please point out a specific teaching."

Invariably the responses to these questions are vague. "You must accept the Council."

Yes, but what specific teaching of said Council?

For example, Trent has a series of dogmatic statements which end with "he who rejects this teaching anathema sit" (slightly paraphrased).

Here is one such dogmatic declaration from the Council of Trent concerning the Most Blessed Sacrament

"CANON I.-If any one denieth, that, in the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist, are contained truly, really, and substantially, the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and consequently the whole Christ; but saith that He is only therein as in a sign, or in figure, or virtue; let him be anathema."(emphasis mine) General Council of Trent: Thirteenth Session - Papal Encyclicals

Vatican II contains no such statements.

And the Modernists know it.

You see, that is their end game. Knowing that Vatican II was a Pastoral Council that made no binding statements (showing in a strange way that the Holy Ghost was protecting the Church from Modernist errors) the Modernists have to fall back on abusing Obedience.

Whenever a Trad raises an issue with Vatican II or the New Mass they are shouted down with the accusation of being disobedient. When the Trad asks for specifics they are shouted down again with the same accusation.

People, this is the same tactics that Communist monsters use as they march you off to the Gulag. It is all based on "Because I said so."

There is zero authority behind it.

True obedience is always at the service of the Truth and Goodness. No one in the Church, not even the Pope has the authority to command obedience to anything else.

St Charles Lwanga and his fellow Ugandan martyrs were bound to obedience to their legitimate superior, King Mwanga. But obedience is only genuine when it is for that which is good and true.

When King Mwanga ordered Charles together with some teenage boys to get into bed with him and perform the unspeakable, they said a firm NO!

The King did not have the authority to command obedience in this. It is also telling that since Vatican II we are hearing more and more stories of such perversion in the hierarchy. But that is another story.

We are to be obedient unto the true and the good.

Anything and everything that is truly good in Vatican II any Trad will happily submit to.

But they will not submit to statements like 

"According to the almost unanimous opinion of believers and unbelievers alike, all things on earth should be related to man as their centre and crown." Gaudium et Spes, paragraph 12

I reject that 100% without a moment of hesitation.

To me all things on earth should be related to GOD as their centre and crown. All of the earth, creation, man, in a word everything should relate to Christ the King.

I am a man. As a man I am horrified at the suggestion that all things on earth should relate to me and my fellow man as their centre and crown.

That is none other than blasphemy. It is usurping God's rightful place. That is what Satan wanted to do and look where it got him.

Yet, conservative Novus Ordo Catholics as well as the liberal type insist that I am disobedient for rejecting that statement found in Vatican II.

Furthermore, we can see why Trads want nothing to do with the New Mass because it embodies that statement from Gaudium et Spes. The New Mass is centred on man as its centre and crown.

The whole set up since the opening of Vatican II until this very moment has had this blasphemous error at its heart and root. It is rotten to the core.

So whenever we a told "You are disobedient" keep that verse from Vatican II ready to hand.

Be bold and daring in proclaiming that it is Jesus Christ, True God and True man, who is the centre and crown of all things. He is our King, we are His servants.

"But if it seem evil to you to serve the Lord, you have your choice: choose this day that which pleaseth you, whom you would rather serve, whether the gods which your fathers served in Mesopotamia, or the gods of the Amorrhites, in whose land you dwell: but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

1 comment:

  1. There has been an horrific misinterpretation of Vatican II - as you say, it was gathered as a pastoral council, not dogmatic. Unfortunately, right from the beginning the liberals who wanted radical change in the Church were given prominence and eventually dominance. This has continued and now, with the present pontiff, the pastoral nature of Vatican II has been totally ignored and overridden. The traditional Mass has never, and cannot ever be replaced with the pseudo "let's make this understandable for everyone including protestants" mentality. It needs a saint like Catherine of Sienna to persuade the current pontiff that he is wrong. Let us all pray that this may happen...
