28th July 2021
A photo in an article on Lifesitenews shows American President Joe Biden receiving Holy Communion in the hand from an unmasked priest.
Take a good look at the photos and article here
I have to start off by stating that I am not an American. I am British. I don't live in America and I have never even visited America.
I confess that I know only a little of American Politics and how the US system of Government works.
But there are a few things that this Brit does know.
For good or for ill America can be described, in many senses, as the world's leading country. Their President has the world as his stage.
Friends, the likes of Mr Biden is what is wrong with both the world and the Church today. He together with Francis, James Martin S.J, Nancy Pelosi and priests on Grindr and on and on and on.
Joe Biden simply cannot believe that the Host which he has in his hands is truly, really and substantially the Most Holy Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.
With those hands he has supported iniquitous laws. With those hands he has attempted to join two Sodomites together in marriage, thus making a mockery of what God ordained.
Mr Biden, President of the USA, does NOT BELIEVE in what YOU believe. Not only do his actions proclaim that, his attitudes show that he does NOT CARE about the Blessed Sacrament, the Catholic Faith, the Unborn or you.
His actions are a mockery of everything Catholics hold dear. Apostates always laugh at the faith of the Faithful.
Then there is the Priest. How can a Priest do such a thing? My mind really cannot wrap itself around the idea that a Priest, believing in Transubstantiation, would hand Our Most Beloved Lord over like that FULLY KNOWING that Mr Biden actively supports and promotes abortion as a "woman's right".
Biden's hands has Our Lord's Blood all over them, not to mention the blood of innocent children murdered in the womb. This is the most powerful man on earth, politically speaking. What has he done to at least reduce the slaughter of the innocents on American soil?
In fact, he speaks out in favour of it.
Then there is the issue of the mask.
I don't know the situation is America regarding mask wearing at this present time. What I do know is that Mr Biden and likes of Fauci actively pushed mask wearing, social distancing and the experimental drug falsely promoted as a vaccine.
The arrogance of these people. They are laughing at us as they mock our precious faith and steal our precious freedoms.
To my fellow Catholics in America. Do whatever you can to withdraw your support for such actions. Do not tolerate such priests in your midst. Let the Bishops know that you will not put up with it.
Hit them in the most sensitive part of their anatomy: The wallet.
Better still, if you are currently attending the Novus Ordo and you can go to the Traditional Latin Mass, make the move. You won't regret it.
We who attend the SSPX will welcome you with open arms. But if you don't want to come to us then attend the Traditional Latin Mass somewhere else.
To be honest, if you are genuinely concerned with what is happening in the Church it is imperative that you leave the Novus Ordo. We simply cannot be a part of this, even remotely.
If you have any doubts, go back and look at the photos of President Biden.
Does it look like he would attend the Traditional Latin Mass?
Does it look like he truly believes in Our Lord's real, true Presence?
Does he exude love and reverence for Our Lord whilst standing there with his hand out and wearing his flashy, highly expensive sunglasses?
When we go to Holy Communion we prepare for it with a good Confession. Do you really think Joe does the same? How can it be when he has not retracted his support for immorality and perversion?
People, they just do not love what you and I love. They are here to mock. Your Catholic Faith is a thing of scorn to them.
Friends, it is time to choose and to stand up and be counted. As harsh as it sounds, we are at war. We must take a stand. Christ or the world. Catholicism or Modernism.
Heaven or Hell.
Believe me, it will count on Judgement Day.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!