28 July 2021

Biden unmasked

 28th July 2021

A photo in an article on Lifesitenews shows American President Joe Biden receiving Holy Communion in the hand from an unmasked priest.

Take a good look at the photos and article here

EXCLUSIVE: New photo shows pro-abortion Biden receiving Communion this Saturday | News | LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

I have to start off by stating that I am not an American. I am British. I don't live in America and I have never even visited America.

I confess that I know only a little of American Politics and how the US system of Government works.

But there are a few things that this Brit does know.

For good or for ill America can be described, in many senses, as the world's leading country. Their President has the world as his stage.

Friends, the likes of Mr Biden is what is wrong with both the world and the Church today. He together with Francis, James Martin S.J, Nancy Pelosi and priests on Grindr and on and on and on.

Joe Biden simply cannot believe that the Host which he has in his hands is truly, really and substantially the Most Holy Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.

With those hands he has supported iniquitous laws. With those hands he has attempted to join two Sodomites together in marriage, thus making a mockery of what God ordained.

Mr Biden, President of the USA, does NOT BELIEVE in what YOU believe. Not only do his actions proclaim that, his attitudes show that he does NOT CARE about the Blessed Sacrament, the Catholic Faith, the Unborn or you.

His actions are a mockery of everything Catholics hold dear. Apostates always laugh at the faith of the Faithful.

Then there is the Priest. How can a Priest do such a thing? My mind really cannot wrap itself around the idea that a Priest, believing in Transubstantiation, would hand Our Most Beloved Lord over like that FULLY KNOWING that Mr Biden actively supports and promotes abortion as a "woman's right".

Biden's hands has Our Lord's Blood all over them, not to mention the blood of innocent children murdered in the womb. This is the most powerful man on earth, politically speaking. What has he done to at least reduce the slaughter of the innocents on American soil?


In fact, he speaks out in favour of it.

Then there is the issue of the mask. 

I don't know the situation is America regarding mask wearing at this present time. What I do know is that Mr Biden and likes of Fauci actively pushed mask wearing, social distancing and the experimental drug falsely promoted as a vaccine.

The arrogance of these people. They are laughing at us as they mock our precious faith and steal our precious freedoms.

To my fellow Catholics in America. Do whatever you can to withdraw your support for such actions. Do not tolerate such priests in your midst. Let the Bishops know that you will not put up with it.

Hit them in the most sensitive part of their anatomy: The wallet.


Better still, if you are currently attending the Novus Ordo and you can go to the Traditional Latin Mass, make the move. You won't regret it.

We who attend the SSPX will welcome you with open arms. But if you don't want to come to us then attend the Traditional Latin Mass somewhere else.

To be honest, if you are genuinely concerned with what is happening in the Church it is imperative that you leave the Novus Ordo. We simply cannot be a part of this, even remotely.

If you have any doubts, go back and look at the photos of President Biden. 

Does it look like he would attend the Traditional Latin Mass?

Does it look like he truly believes in Our Lord's real, true Presence? 

Does he exude love and reverence for Our Lord whilst standing there with his hand out and wearing his flashy, highly expensive sunglasses? 

When we go to Holy Communion we prepare for it with a good Confession. Do you really think Joe does the same? How can it be when he has not retracted his support for immorality and perversion?

People, they just do not love what you and I love. They are here to mock. Your Catholic Faith is a thing of scorn to them.

Friends, it is time to choose and to stand up and be counted. As harsh as it sounds, we are at war. We must take a stand. Christ or the world. Catholicism or Modernism.

Heaven or Hell.

Believe me, it will count on Judgement Day.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

27 July 2021

SSPX Fatima, my spiritual home.

 27th July 2021

I had another post written and ready for today but I sensed that Our Lord wanted me to write something on the SSPX here in Portugal.

On Sunday I was blessed to go to Confession and attend Mass at the Chapel of the Child Jesus of Prague which is served by priests of the SSPX.

I love it there. The priests are so hard working. It is even more amazing considering that there are only two of them to cover the whole of Portugal.

There is Mass in Lisbon on Sunday mornings and often the same priest drives up to Fatima to celebrate the 6PM Mass. They offer bi-monthly Masses in Porto and Coimbra.

They also offer catechesis, Sacramental preparation and visit the sick. In the course of a month they cover many hundreds of kilometres. In my experience every single priest of the SSPX that I have had the pleasure of meeting or knowing is extremely hard working. Nothing is ever too much work or effort for the Glory of God and the salvation of souls.

I have met and known many priests in my life and I can honestly say that the priests of the SSPX are, by far, the hardest working priests I have ever come across.

A recent encounter confirmed this for me. A new priest from Spain has been sent to Portugal to replace Fr Samuel Bon (another great priest) who was moved to France to continue his priestly ministry there after six years of hard work here.

Unfortunately the new priest wasn't feeling very well on Sunday. Don't worry. It wasn't Covid (people seem to have forgotten that there are other illnesses).

After Mass I wanted my statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel blessed. The priest was sitting in the Sacristy looking dreadfully pale. I apologised for disturbing him but he said that it was no problem. He quietly blessed the statue and was very gracious. I left the Sacristy impressed at how, although unwell, he received me with respect and kindness.

Similarly the priest who heard my Confession is a humble, gracious and joy filled man.

As I stepped out of the Chapel I saw the people gathered there. People from different parts of the world. English, French, Spanish and, of course, Portuguese was buzzing in the air.

They chatted to each other and moved and mingled. The priest who heard my Confession was standing there, chatting and smiling. Others chatted over more serious, personal matters. Everyone behaved as friends.

These priests and people are not rigid or Schismatics. They are joy filled Catholics trying to preserve and live out the Traditional Catholic Faith.

Some of them like myself have come from a Novus Ordo background. They are all welcomed with warmth and generosity.

Sure, the sermons are firm, clear and orthodox. But that does not make them rigid.

They are firm with sin when they hear your Confession. But I never ever leave the Confessional feeling berated. I leave feeling respected.

That may sound strange to say but it is true. The priests are firm on my sins but fatherly to me.

Something that I would like to share here is that I have struggled with scrupulosity for many years now. It's been tough for me. I was diagnosed with OCD in 2004.

I have been to Confession to many priests over the years but it has only under the pastoral care of the SSPX that I have made real progress. I used to really struggle with Confession. In fact I used to dread it.

Now I can't wait to go. The priests obviously receive excellent formation at Seminary. They know how to deal with souls.

Thanks to the priests of the SSPX I feel a deeper hope. Before I just could not believe that I could become a Saint and I know I have a LONG WAY to go. But the teaching, the pastoral care and approach together with the Traditional Sacraments have given me the hope that even I could, with God's Grace, become a Saint one day.

I never really believed that when I was in the Novus Ordo.

I don't think it is too strong to say that I love the SSPX and the priests. Catholics should love their priests and I think that the terrible state of the Church over the past 50 + years has meant that most Catholics have fallen out of love with them and even the Church.

When Sunday ends and I am living my life during the week I often catch myself thinking of the past Sunday's Confession, Mass, Sermon and moment of Holy Communion. Such is the impact that they have on me.

God, through the SSPX, has given me more hope and joy. I know that I am not the only one to be so blessed.

Not bad for a group of "rigids".

26 July 2021

True obedience

 26th July 2021

Before I begin my little musing on obedience I want to share some good news.

I went to Mass at the SSPX chapel in Fatima yesterday.

Sitting next to my friend, a fellow Brit, we both commented on just how full the chapel was. There were people standing at the back doors. All the pews were full and there were lots of news faces, many of them were young people and families.

I have heard reports that this is happening around the world.

So the Traditional Latin Mass is not going to disappear. The Modernists have failed in their machinations.

Anyway, obedience.

I have often heard Catholics who attack Trads say "You're disobedient. You reject Vatican II".

Apart from the fact that the Trad position (especially in the SSPX) is more nuanced than that, these accusers never specify what we have disobeyed in the Council.

I remember posting on Facebook once saying "What in Vatican II am I obliged, as a Catholic, to submit to De Fide? What is binding De Fide upon me? Please point out a specific teaching."

Invariably the responses to these questions are vague. "You must accept the Council."

Yes, but what specific teaching of said Council?

For example, Trent has a series of dogmatic statements which end with "he who rejects this teaching anathema sit" (slightly paraphrased).

Here is one such dogmatic declaration from the Council of Trent concerning the Most Blessed Sacrament

"CANON I.-If any one denieth, that, in the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist, are contained truly, really, and substantially, the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and consequently the whole Christ; but saith that He is only therein as in a sign, or in figure, or virtue; let him be anathema."(emphasis mine) General Council of Trent: Thirteenth Session - Papal Encyclicals

Vatican II contains no such statements.

And the Modernists know it.

You see, that is their end game. Knowing that Vatican II was a Pastoral Council that made no binding statements (showing in a strange way that the Holy Ghost was protecting the Church from Modernist errors) the Modernists have to fall back on abusing Obedience.

Whenever a Trad raises an issue with Vatican II or the New Mass they are shouted down with the accusation of being disobedient. When the Trad asks for specifics they are shouted down again with the same accusation.

People, this is the same tactics that Communist monsters use as they march you off to the Gulag. It is all based on "Because I said so."

There is zero authority behind it.

True obedience is always at the service of the Truth and Goodness. No one in the Church, not even the Pope has the authority to command obedience to anything else.

St Charles Lwanga and his fellow Ugandan martyrs were bound to obedience to their legitimate superior, King Mwanga. But obedience is only genuine when it is for that which is good and true.

When King Mwanga ordered Charles together with some teenage boys to get into bed with him and perform the unspeakable, they said a firm NO!

The King did not have the authority to command obedience in this. It is also telling that since Vatican II we are hearing more and more stories of such perversion in the hierarchy. But that is another story.

We are to be obedient unto the true and the good.

Anything and everything that is truly good in Vatican II any Trad will happily submit to.

But they will not submit to statements like 

"According to the almost unanimous opinion of believers and unbelievers alike, all things on earth should be related to man as their centre and crown." Gaudium et Spes, paragraph 12

I reject that 100% without a moment of hesitation.

To me all things on earth should be related to GOD as their centre and crown. All of the earth, creation, man, in a word everything should relate to Christ the King.

I am a man. As a man I am horrified at the suggestion that all things on earth should relate to me and my fellow man as their centre and crown.

That is none other than blasphemy. It is usurping God's rightful place. That is what Satan wanted to do and look where it got him.

Yet, conservative Novus Ordo Catholics as well as the liberal type insist that I am disobedient for rejecting that statement found in Vatican II.

Furthermore, we can see why Trads want nothing to do with the New Mass because it embodies that statement from Gaudium et Spes. The New Mass is centred on man as its centre and crown.

The whole set up since the opening of Vatican II until this very moment has had this blasphemous error at its heart and root. It is rotten to the core.

So whenever we a told "You are disobedient" keep that verse from Vatican II ready to hand.

Be bold and daring in proclaiming that it is Jesus Christ, True God and True man, who is the centre and crown of all things. He is our King, we are His servants.

"But if it seem evil to you to serve the Lord, you have your choice: choose this day that which pleaseth you, whom you would rather serve, whether the gods which your fathers served in Mesopotamia, or the gods of the Amorrhites, in whose land you dwell: but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

21 July 2021

The Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth!

 21st July 2021

Feast of St Mary Magdalen

I have noticed a number of comments on the internet, particularly on Twitter, that run something like this:

"Vatican II and the New Mass have a lot of good things in them so Trads should just accept them and obey etc".

You get the gist. 

However, there's a problem with that line of argument.

You see, the most effective, most deceptive and, therefore, the most dangerous and insidious lies actually contain 99% of the truth. It's the 1% falsehood that will kill you.

We could debate on the actual percentages of good versus bad, orthodox versus modernist elements in Vatican II and the Novus Ordo.

The argument still stands.

A burger that has just one teeny tiny drop of lethal poison will kill you regardless of all the excellent nutrients, minerals and vitamins it contains.

Let's look at the issue of the Offertory alone. Compare the following:

Novus Ordo Offertory

The Host

Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation,
for through your goodness we have received the bread we offer you:
fruit of the earth and work of human hands,
it will become for us the bread of life.

The Chalice

Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation,
for through your goodness we have received
the wine we offer you:
fruit of the vine and work of human hands,
it will become our spiritual drink.

Traditional Latin Mass Offertory

The Host

Accept, O Holy father, Almighty and Eternal God, this spotless host, which I, Your unworthy servant, offer to You, my living and true God, to atone for my numberless sins, offences, and negligences; on behalf of all here present and likewise for all faithful Christians living and dead, that it may profit me and them as a means of salvation to life everlasting. Amen.

The Chalice

O God, + Who in creating man didst exalt his nature very wonderfully and yet more wonderfully didst establish it anew;; by the Mystery signified in the mingling of this water and wine, grant us to have part in the Godhead of Him Who hath deigned to become a partaker of our humanity, Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord; Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God. World without end. Amen.

We offer unto Thee, O Lord, the chalice of salvation, entreating Thy mercy that our offering may ascend with a sweet fragrance in the sight of Thy divine Majesty, for our own salvation, and for that of the whole world. Amen.

The two are just utterly incomparable. They are completely different in their Theology, Ethos and tone.

The Novus Ordo Offertory prayers are actually based on Jewish Berakhah prayers. 

Baruch ata ADONAI Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, borei peri ha-gafen 

or, as it is in English

Blessed are You, Lord our God, Sovereign of the universe, for creating the fruit of the vine.

Blessings.pdf (shulcloud.com)

Sound somewhat familiar???

These Jewish prayers were never a part of the Offertory of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. They were added into the 1969 fabricated Novus Ordo.


Well one thing is for sure, it was not to add to our understanding of the nature of the Holy Mass or to further true Catholic Doctrine.

Furthermore, what is absolutely undeniable is that they do not measure up whatsoever to the Traditional Offertory prayers. The Novus Ordo offertory (if you can even call it that) portray the Eucharist as a communal meal. Indeed, the Jewish Berakhah prayers are often said in connection with meals.

The Traditional Offertory is undoubtedly an offering of a pure sacrifice and oblation for sin. This is in total harmony with the infallible teachings on the nature of the Mass in the Council of Trent:

"And forasmuch as, in this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the mass, that same Christ is contained and immolated in an unbloody manner, who once offered Himself in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross; the holy Synod teaches, that this sacrifice is truly propitiatory and that by means thereof this is effected, that we obtain mercy, and find grace in seasonable aid, if we draw nigh unto God, contrite and penitent, with a sincere heart and upright faith, with fear and reverence. For the Lord, appeased by the oblation thereof, and granting the grace and gift of penitence, forgives even heinous crimes and sins. For the victim is one and the same, the same now offering by the ministry of priests, who then offered Himself on the cross, the manner alone of offering being different. The fruits indeed of which oblation, of that bloody one to wit, are received most plentifully through this unbloody one; so far is this (latter) from derogating in any way from that (former oblation). Wherefore, not only for the sins, punishments, satisfactions, and other necessities of the faithful who are living, but also for those who are departed in Christ, and who are not as yet fully purified, is it rightly offered, agreebly to a tradition of the apostles." Ch 2, 22nd Session

Council of Trent, Session 22, On the Catholic Mass with Editorial Commentary (shrineofsaintjude.net)

So it cannot be denied. One Offertory is explicitly and thoroughly Catholic. It concords with infallible teaching. Its nature is clear, its language unambiguous and poetic. The other is simply none of the above.

From this one example alone (and there are many others) it is clear to see that the issues that Traditionalists have with the Novus Ordo are much deeper and more grave than mere aesthetics or the love of Latin or lace.

It is a completely Theological issue.

Trads want a 100% TRULY Catholic Liturgy. 

Even 99% is just not good enough.

20 July 2021

The Heart of the issue

 20th July 2021

 "According to the almost unanimous opinion of believers and unbelievers alike, all things on earth should be related to man as their centre and crown." Gaudium et Spes, paragraph 12

Now read that slowly and tell me that isn't something a Freemason would say.

After that compare the focus of the Traditional Latin Mass with that of the Novus Ordo.

You see, it was never just about a "dead language" but the entire Catholic Faith.

19 July 2021

Questions, questions. So many questions.

 19th July 2021

I have been mulling over the whole Traditiones Custodes affair during this weekend.

I attended the Traditional Latin Mass at the SSPX Chapel in Fatima yesterday (Sunday) and that helped consolidate my musings on the matter. Its beauty, reverence, ethos of adoration and the rousing Sermon clarified my thoughts.

Basically what Traditiones Custodes attempts to declare is that the Mass that :

* Has its roots in Apostolic times is - REJECTED

* Inspired St Gregory the Great is - REJECTED

* Imbued Gregorian Chant with its spirituality is - REJECTED

* Inspired the building of the great Cathedrals of Europe is - REJECTED

* Fills the greatest works of Catholic spirituality is - REJECTED

* Was the centre of the spiritual lives of the Great Saints - REJECTED

* Was the driving force of the missionaries is - REJECTED

* Was called the Most beautiful thing this side of Heaven is - REJECTED

* The Martyrs of Great Britain died for is - REJECTED

* The Irish flocked to during persecution is - REJECTED

* St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross loved is - REJECTED

* Inspired countless works of art is - REJECTED

* Was the inspiration of so much music is - REJECTED

* Mozart wrote his Mass settings for is - REJECTED

* Catholic soldiers in two World Wars sought comfort from in the Trenches is - REJECTED

* Catholics in Communist countries suffered horrifically to attend is - REJECTED

* Padre Pio embodied and reduced him to tears of love and adoration is - REJECTED

There are so many examples that if I could write them all down no blog on earth could contain them.

So many questions need answering.

How can a Liturgy that has over 2000 years of existence and legitimacy be cast aside for a fabricated rite of 50 years?

If the Pope does this to the TLM, why not the Melkite Rite or any other ancient Rite?

If Benedict said that there were two forms of one Roman Rite how can that now no longer be true?

Does this mean truth changes?

Why is going to war against the TLM more important at this moment in Church history than going to war against with sex scandals, abortion loving American Presidents, the 500 + priests who blessed gay couples in Germany, financial corruption, heresy etc?

How can James Martin S.J be afforded profound respect, support and admiration from Francis but the TLM is so despised and rejected?

Again, there are so many questions. No doubt those reading this will have their own.

What is clear is that the Pope has greatly overstepped his authority. No authority in the Church has the power whatsoever to just cast aside the TLM and the whole patrimony of the Latin Church.

In fact, the Pope has no more power to do that than I have to consecrate bread and wine. Traditiones Custodes is as invalid as a Methodist Eucharist. It simply does not exist. Ink and paper have been wasted.

The problem is that so many Catholics, especially the conservative Novus Ordo type, afford to the Pope a power and authority that he literally HAS NEVER HAD in the whole history of the Church. They treat him as if he is the successor of Christ rather than Peter (who had to be corrected by Paul).

The Pope is meant to be the servant and guardian of the Faith, Doctrine, Traditions, Liturgies and Treasures of the Church. I repeat, SERVANT and GUARDIAN. He is not the Lord of such. Christ is.

We all need to get back to a CATHOLIC understanding of the Papacy.

Traditiones Custodes has ZERO authority. Nada. Zilch. Niente. It must be roundly ignored. Those Catholics who refuse to do that are, in some measure, complicit in this abuse of power.

That may be hard hitting but it is true. Either it is fear or cowardice or treachery. The Pope simply CANNOT say that a fabricated liturgy of 50 years is the Roman Rite. That is so unimaginably absurd it is utterly risible.

If Traditiones Custodes were true :

Where was the Novus Ordo in 1930 when my Grandmother was born? How come she didn't attend it for the first 40 years of her life?

Where was the Novus Ordo when St Therese of Lisieux offered Jesus her heart at her First Holy Communion?

Where was the Novus Ordo when St Teresa of Avila and St John of the Cross went about Spain reforming the Carmelite Order?

Where was the Novus Ordo when they chopped off St. Thomas More's head?

etc etc

Friends, fellow Catholics...Traditiones Custodes is utter nonsense. It literally makes NO SENSE.

It flies in the face of basic logic. No Catholic can give it one millimetre of credence or adherence. 

If Traditiones Custodes is true, if the Novus Ordo is now the One Roman Rite, then it must be concluded, logically speaking, that we are dealing with a different Church than the one that preceded Vatican II.

If the TLM is no longer THE ROMAN RITE then a new Church was brought into existence in the 1960s.

By rejecting the TLM as the Roman Rite, Francis is rejecting everything it stands for.

People, this is logic 101.

Many people out there are frightened to come to the logical conclusions. You have been beaten over the head ad infinitum with an abusive version of obedience. I know. I was where many of you are today. 

I was told, many years ago, by a well meaning conservative Novus Ordo priest, not to ask such questions. All I did was to ask him why they changed the Offertory prayers and how the new ones could be better than what we had before.

The time for sitting on the fence ended on 16th July 2021, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

The Civil War in the Church has been going on for decades but it ramped up on Friday.

It is time to choose.

In making your choice remember this. Popes come, Popes go. God and the true Faith alone remain. 

17 July 2021

Personal Declaration of belief and conviction

 17th July 2021

In light of the publication of Traditionis Custodes (16th July 2021) I, Michael Velosa, a Catholic layman make the following personal declaration of belief and conviction:

What earlier generations of the Catholic Faithful held as sacred remains sacred and great for us too. It cannot become evil, sinful, bad or forbidden.

* The Traditional Latin Mass/Tridentine Mass/Mass of the Ages IS THE ROMAN RITE. It is utterly illogical that a rite, fabricated in 1969 and thus only approx. 50 years old, can be the Traditional Rite of the Roman Church.

* No Pope has the authority whatsoever to abolish, restrict, abrogate or diminish that which has been an integral part of the Church's Liturgical life and Spirituality for 2000 years.

* That which nourished the Church's greatest Saints cannot fail to do any less for us.

* The Novus Ordo, being a non-organic, fabricated rite does not express the Catholic Faith in the doctrine of the Mass in a clear, unequivocal and unambiguous manner (e.g. Jewish Table blessings as an offertory etc) and thus suffers, to a certain extent, a deficiency. It is, essentially, a protestantised, Modernist Liturgy.

* Any authority that seeks to impose an unjust law is to be thoroughly resisted. It is, therefore, lawful and, indeed, a moral duty, to impede, as far as is in our ability, such a law or ruling.

* Any attempt to restrict the Traditional Latin Mass constitutes an abuse of power and authority and therefore must be resisted and impeded. It is our moral duty to do so.

* I will resist, and will support those who resist, the implementation of Traditionis Custodes in any manner possible.

* I will only attend the Novus Ordo when charity absolutely necessitates my presence (e.g. relative's or friend's funeral etc). Such attendance does not constitute any approval, implicit or explicit, of the Novus Ordo whatsoever. I will not participate in any part of the rite whilst in attendance. Instead I will pray private devotions (e.g. the Holy Rosary) for the duration of said rite.

* I will exclusively attend the Tridentine Mass or any other valid CATHOLIC rite to adore the Most Holy Trinity as is His just due adoration. I will show my full support for such Catholic rites by participating in them and promoting them as far as possible. I will also encourage others to do the same as far as I am able.

* I will not support the Novus Ordo, nor any other forms of Modernism together with any other erroneous teachings in any manner whatsoever.

* I will work, as far as I am able, to further and to promote the Traditional Latin Mass together with the Catholic teachings that were taught, believed and held until Vatican II.

* I will work, as far as I am able, to impede, stall and resist the Novus Ordo together with any Modernist teachings. Furthermore, I will aid, assist and encourage this resistance in others.

* I will only obey commands that are in accordance with the constant teachings of the Catholic Church. Anything that constitutes a rupture, contradiction or denial of perennial Catholic teaching I will resist and I will encourage, assist and teach others to do the same.

* I will pray daily for the restoration of the Catholic Church.

* I will pray daily for the pastors of the Catholic Church.

* I will obey my superiors within the Catholic Church only when what they teach or command is in full accordance with the perennial teachings, dogmas, doctrines and traditions of the Catholic Church.

* I will pray daily for the Consecration of Russia and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Written to the Glory of the Most Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Queen of Carmel. Amen

Michael Velosa