25 June 2021

Soul ache

25th June 2021

Here we are, still bathing in the warmth of the Sacred Heart in this glorious month of Divine Humility. We need to reclaim June for Jesus.

I love the Summer. I love the bright days, long days, warm days and flowers everywhere.

I love the splendour that God's creation puts on at this time of year. I love seeing the little animals being born, staggering around and finding their feet (or paws).

How delightful it is to see the roses in full bloom, tumbling over sun lit sandy-coloured walls.

I love the scents that float in the air. Portugal is full of scents and perfumes throughout the Summer. Eucalyptus, pine, Rosemary, orange blossom and herbs.

It is at the this time of year, when God's creation seems to shimmer with a reflection of His Glory, that we should feel our soul ache.

We often think of an ache as being unpleasant or painful. It is usually something that sends you running for painkillers.

But not this soul ache.

The Portuguese have a marvellous word so sadly lacking in English. That word is "Saudades."

Saudades is such a flexible word, yet profound. The closest word in English is yearning, but even that doesn't quite cut it.

When talking about the soul and its yearning for God it is more of a yearning, aching pang.

This pang is one where you crave to love God, crave His Love in return and yet ache that you need and want to love Him more.

The blessing of this pang, this soul ache is that God, in His Grace, Himself yearns to deepen your soul ache. When we pang and yearn for God it delights His Sacred Heart beyond words. He sees our need for Him. It draws Him closer to us.

If we are in a state of Grace the Most Blessed Trinity dwells in our souls. He Himself is the source of that pang.

The extra beautiful thing about it is that we can make acts of the will, willing to pang for Him more, especially in prayer and most particularly just after Holy Communion.

God wants us to enter into the Chamber of our soul, which is the heart, and yearn for Him and HIs Grace and Love. Most often this yearning is wordless or, at best, it uses little words.

We simply ache for God.

It is this ache that I believe Our Lady lived with each and everyday. When it says in the Gospels that Our Lady "kept this things in her heart", what does that mean?

I believe it means that Our Lady intensely kept the Divine Presence within Her, reflecting on His words and aching to love Him who is Love itself. Each day Her Immaculate Heart expanded and so did Her yearning.

Let's ask God for that very same ache and that it deepens within us each passing day. 

O God, let me ache for You. In aching for You let me love you more and more. Expand my heart and fill it with Your Love. And in doing so, being filled with Your Divine Love, I will Love You with Your very own Love! Then, and only then, will I be consumed by Love Itself!

God bless

24 June 2021

The future of the TLM + some frugal tips

 24th June 2021

The Birth of St. John the Baptist

Happy Feast day to everyone!

So, as you know, my last platform wasn't working out for me. I had written a piece on the rumours concerning changes to Summorum Pontificum but somehow it got deleted.

I have to see God's Hand in everything.

Today I want to express those thoughts again but differently.

You may remember that I mentioned in a previous post that I watched an 8 part Spanish series on the life of St Teresa of Avila dating back to 1984 or thereabouts.

It has made a huge impact on me, helping me see not only the state of the Church but my own life in deeper clarity.

A number of things struck me whilst watching that series. First was Teresa's absolute commitment to personal prayer, especially mental prayer. Her daily personal encounter with the Lord was at the centre of everything she did and she made every possible sacrifice to keep that commitment.

It is 100% clear that all her work for the Church and the reform of the Carmelites would have fallen flat without it. It is from that source of grace that she drew all the strength needed to carry out her undertakings.

I have no doubt that we all agree that the Church is in dire need of genuine reform. That reform must start with each one of us, personally. Reform must start personally, with me. The most important aspect of that is our fight with sin and our battle to grow in Grace and Virtue. Without prayer, penance and the Sacraments it simply cannot be done.

The second aspect that made an impact on me were the similarities between St Teresa and the Trad movement today. I think especially of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. How? Many in the Hierarchy at the time bitterly opposed Teresa's reforms. Many of her own nuns were quite vicious in their opposition.

It brings to mind Our Lord's words "a man's enemies shall be they of his own household." Matthew 10:36

We often think of that as meaning family members (parents, siblings etc) and that is true in many circumstances. There are numerous Catholics who will tell you of the bitter opposition they face in their family just because they practise the Faith. I have experienced it myself, ranging from mockery to placing of obstacles in the way of my Faith.

I have often told my relatives "Those that do not pray will always persecute those that do."

I think Our Lord's words also apply to the household of the Church. Our brothers and sisters in the Faith try every which way to stand in our path. They did it to Teresa. They are doing it to us.

I have said this before. Trads are not Toxic (although there are individuals who may be). Trads are embattled and persecuted. I think it's is going to get worse.

It's a slow white martyrdom. The type where you frequently get your head bitten off by an angry relative rather than chopped off by an angry terrorist.

Of course, blood martyrdom is happening increasingly around the world. Many of our brethren in the Faith are laying down their lives for Christ and His Church. 

So why do our fellow Catholics treat us so? Why is it going to get worse? The reason is that Traditional Catholicism, if lived truly and fully, is an affront to the way they live.

Whilst not wanting to judge anyone's heart, look at how Modernists live. Do you see them as truly penitential? Do you see them as suffering for Christ and His Church? Do they strike you as models of prayer, sanctity and self denial? Or are they just a bit too comfortable?

I won't hold back. Look at the Church in Germany. They are drowning in money. Millions and millions of Euros and yet the pews grow emptier each month. 

Comfortable Catholicism just doesn't cut the mustard. It is tantamount to saying to Olympians not to bother training because everyone will get a Gold medal, even if they don't take part.

We all know, deep down inside, that if it doesn't involve effort, struggle and sacrifice then it's worth zilch.

The Trad world has witnessed a steady growth over the years since Summorum Pontificum. Indeed, over the past year, since the Covid chaos, many TLM Communities have reported up to a 300% increase in their congregation size (as well as in collections for which the Hierarchy won't be happy).

Genuine reform actually means becoming more faithful to the Faith. It means become more prayerful, more demanding, more penitential and yes, more "rigid" (read stronger).

So how do we face this? One is with prayer. That is obvious. The other is with peace and trust. God really does know what He is doing. He could just appear to our persecutors and say "Stop!"

He hasn't. He seems to have another plan. He wants us to co-operate and trust. He wants us to live the Faith fully. We are to keep our eyes on the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

If the rumoured suppression comes about, plough on. Ignore any unjust declarations no matter who pronounces them. If you have to move to another Church for the Mass, go.

Remember that the TLM (and therefore the Faith that goes with it) was no abrogated. Benedict XVI reminded us that what was holy for our forefathers cannot now be evil or forbidden (words to that effect). If it was good enough for the previous 2000 years it is good enough for us. If it was ok back in 2007, when Summorum Pontificum was published, it can't suddenly become bad 14 years later.

Plough on. Resist respectfully and one day this will all be just a bad memory.

Please pray for priests, especially Diocesan priests who will most likely be the main target of any unjust attempt at suppression.

I have a particular priest friend in mind who is currently discerning his future with his diocese. He is deeply in love with the TLM.

Please spare him an Ave. 

Frugal Tips

1) Christmas tips

 It is 6 months until Christmas. I have started putting some money aside for presents. 

Also you can buy your Christmas meats now and freeze them. Many shops push up their prices on meat in November and December. Most meats will store well in the deep freeze for between 6 and 12 months. 

Now is also a good time to make home made liqueurs. Here the plums are ripening. It is a great opportunity to make Plum liqueur. After six months of maturing it tastes beautiful. Believe me, it goes down well after Christmas dinner! 

Recipe that makes 2 Mason Jars:

If you have a kilo of plums

One litre of Gin.

500grams of sugar

Stick of cinnamon

Wash and split the plums, removing the stones. Pour into sterilized Mason jars together with the other ingredients.

Shake vigorously each day for 14 days until the sugar has dissolved. Store in a cool, dark cupboard.

A few days before Christmas, strain and bottle.

2) If you have chickens and an excess of eggs you can preserve them. Hard boil them, let them cool and peel them. Put them in a Mason jar and cover with vinegar. 

3) If you have a glut of home grown fruit or veg you can freeze these or can them. Look up YouTube videos on canning.

4) Here in Portugal it hardly rains between June and November so people dig a "bowl" in the soil around their vegetable plants. This means that water doesn't run off when you water them and the water heads straight to the roots.

5) Remember the frugal mantra: Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without.

God bless

21 June 2021

A fresh start

I have had to make a fresh start with a new platform for my Blog.

Earlier on today, as a follow up from my post on Saturday, I wrote what I hoped and believed was a good post analysing the current situation in the Church, especially regarding the future of Summorum Pontificum.

After what seemed like an eternity I was happy with what I had written and I pressed the button to post it.

And it vanished. Disappeared. Gone. Up in an invisible puff of smoke!

In that moment the blood drained from my face and for about 3 seconds I think I felt my soul leave my body, so deep was the shock and horror.

No matter what I did, it was gone.

I called a friend who runs a Computer repair company. If anyone can retrieve something lost on a computer it is him.

After trying repeatedly to resolve the issue, he told me the bad news. The article was irredeemably lost.

He and I looked through the platform I was using and it turns out that it does not have the option of saving what you write as a draft copy. So if or, in this case, when anything goes wrong, bye bye article!

We investigated this platform and all indications are that this is a much safer option.

Indeed, every now and then I can see that it is saving what I write, as I write.

So here's to a fresh start. One, I hope, that will save me from startling near death experiences!

God bless,
